All In Alliances

All In is a network of grassroots alliances in a growing number of Connecticut cities and towns, where neighbors work together across their differences to make it possible for everyone to have a home, food, and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

Our alliances work locally and across town lines to understand and address the root causes of poverty...

Our alliances currently represent thousands of residents -- young and old, Republican and Democrat, rural and urban, rich and poor and middle-class, of many races and ethnicities -- and dozens of local businesses, churches, community centers, and service organizations.

Working together we make it possible for residents to discover common interests and work side-by-side toward common goals, including with people and groups they may have previously misunderstood or even feared.

The earliest All In alliances were formed in the middle of the pandemic with support and underwriting by TEAM, Inc., the community action agency in the Naugatuck Valley region. TEAM remains one of All In’s “backbone” institutions, along with the Naugatuck Valley Project, a regional grassroots organizing network.

These two 501c3 nonprofits offer logistical, fundraising, and staff support to All In’s volunteer leaders, to help us work with our neighbors to share stories, build power, and create change!

Current All In Alliances include:

  • All In for Ansonia & Derby
  • All In for Milford
  • All In for Oxford
  • All In for Seymour
  • Naugatuck Valley Project
  • TEAM, Inc.

All In is always growing - you are welcome to join us

For more information visit:

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